Friday, April 10, 2009

Minnesotans will regret the hell out of this one

Minnesota citizens went out in droves this past winter and apparently confused their hatred for the winter weather, with their hatred for themselves and basically elected Al Freakin Franken. This is beyond electing an inexperienced socialist rookie Senator from Illinois for President. This guy has never produced an articulate thought. He's failed at every endeavor since SNL and even that's arguable. Air America, The Franken Factor...bankrupt...hence the liberal's proposed Fairness Doctrine which is wildly unconstitutional, but that's neither here nor there. Nonetheless, Franken's lead is now 312 votes out of 2.9 million. It would take an act of God for this not to come to fruition. Despite my dear friends from Minnesota, I have to say, excluding them, the citizens of Minnesota get what they deserve. They'll get six years of this screw up. If America can withstand the next four years, I think things will change dramatically. If they don't, then you can surmise that what I've prophosized about, regarding the populous voting themselves the treasury, has arrived. In that case, this is all futile and I'll see you at the Welfare office because we're all working for nothing. Why would I bust my ass for my government to take it from me. Doctors, lawyers, executives...from each according to their ability, to each according to their need. This isn't propaganda people. This is the grim reality of the citizens of Minnesota and the United States of America.

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