Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Most annoying out-of-her-league reporter of all time...

This is the most painful interview I've ever seen, but since I'm a loser, I watched the whole thing. Brad Pitt looked as if he was ready to dive off that balcony about 45 seconds into the interview. Unfortunately for him, the pain was just beginning. I understand a little why stars bitch all the time about how stressed they are because if I had to endure this insufferable "journalist" for three minutes I would shove a red hot poker in my eyeball. If you want to feel complete and total rage for the first time your life, fast-foward to the 5:16 mark where you'll see this idiot stalk Brad Pitt's eyes like snake charmer then grab at his face. WTF? Who's grabs someone's face? This lady couldn't interview Kermit the Frog professionally. I'm not joking when I say that Ann Curry isn't qualified to deliver the news on Nickelodean. I'm like Brad Pitt if he weren't so fat, but the only way I could've survived this interview would've been a promise that I could inject the swine flu into Ann Curry.

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